
07306 514 951


Opening Hours

Mon - Fri: 7AM - 7PM

​The idea of our charter is to maintain high standards in training and education and create a brand name that students associate with quality academies.

Please see Meso and More Training Academy reviews here:

All our training academies agree to:

  • Ensure all training staff hold relevant teaching qualifications and have a minimum of six months experience in the courses they deliver.
  • Deliver courses within a professional timeframe that allows students to have time to be taught theory and practical and to work on adequate models to ensure they are competent.
  • Give informed training manuals that cover all aspects of the treatment being taught. Students should be trained in appropriate health and safety, correct use of PPE and contraindications and contra-actions as well as how to perform an in-depth client consultation.
  • Train students that meet the minimum pre-requisite requirements in accordance with industry guidelines.
  • Provide ongoing support for students post training.
  • Deal with complaints within 14 days of their receipt and to reach a suitable resolution for both parties within 28 days.
  • Act professionally at all times towards your students, industry colleague’s and on public forums.
  • Have appropriate insurance for teaching at all times.
  • Ensure your training rooms/academy meet all health and safety requirements and are conducive to
  • Work towards improving industry standards through delivering exceptional training and support.  
  • Every trainer to undertake a minimum of 30 hours of additional CPD learning every year and to provide this upon request.